Paul Diamond in the Grand Chamber of the Court of Justice of the European Union
25th March 2019
Paul Diamond with Roger Kiska, solicitor appeared in the Grand Chamber of the European Union, Luxembourg on behalf of ‘One of Us‘.
Paul Diamond made oral submissions to the Court.
The European Citizens Initiative named ‘One of Us’ collected nearly 2 million signatures to propose a debate in the European Parliament on the financing of embryo destruction and abortion by the European Union.
Regulation 211/2011 introduced the European Citizens Initiative; to strengthen the democratic credentials of the European Union. Regrettably, the Commission of the European Union vetoed the proposal due to animus. The European Commission exercised their powers under Article 17 of the Treaty on the Function of the European Union to prevent such a debate due to political opposition to the subject matter.
This is an important constitutional case on the powers and prerogatives of the European Commission; this was reflected by the fact that the case was held before the Grand Chamber of the Court of Justice; and chaired by the President of the Court. Whilst the case raised complex points on European Constitutional Law; the case illuminates the democratic deficit at the heart of the European Union.